Those who have the highest probability of success with hypnotherapy for weight loss are the unconscious and emotional eaters. These individuals have trouble sticking to weight-loss plans due to the lack of willpower to follow it. The therapeutic use of hypnosis is helpful because it teaches clients to gain more willpower. The goal of treatment is to change the association the person has with food. Instead of thinking of food in the wrong way, hypnosis works to deeply ingrain the notion that food is fuel. Once a healthy relationship with diet is attained, this will be critical in facilitating the weight loss journey.
During a session, the hypnotherapist speaks with a patient to develop a better understanding of what their goals are, what triggers them, what their body type is, and what diet plans have worked or not worked. This information is pivotal to shaping the suggestions the hypnotherapist will make under hypnosis. The session typically lasts only 20 to 25 minutes, and the time is spent to balance out the voices in the person’s head with more constructive thoughts. The focus is placed on amplifying the inner voice coming from a healthy subconscious. This leads to more reliance on inner wisdom, and less on the emotional portion. Hypnotherapy will not make the patient’s cravings go away, but rather teaches them to counter the thoughts with healthier judgements. They will be able to recognize that while they feel the desire to do something, they do not have to act on it.
A vast number of hypnotists want patients to attend about six sessions in total in order to achieve the best results. Modifications to automatic thinking can be seen after only two appointments. If a positive effect is not experienced after three sessions, this may indicate that hypnotherapy for weight loss will not be fruitful for this particular patient. Those suffering with mental health disorders that involve brain-pattern fluctuations, such as bipolar disorder or schizophrenia, may not want to pursue this route to slimming down. Deep hypnosis can act as a trigger to those individuals, so patients should speak with their psychiatrist first.
Optimism is the greatest contributor for the success of hypnosis. If the patient believes that weight loss can be achieved, they are setting themselves up for success. The expectation of gaining positive results is crucial. A hypnotherapist will suggest to patients to put their body first by respecting and protecting it. They are led to believe that overeating is causing damage to their body, and therefore the behavior is not healthy.
Our certified hypnotherapist is Pam Greenberg, C.Ht. During hypnotherapy, she works to modify beliefs and behaviors in order to improve your quality of life. Through favorable suggestions, you will be provided with the necessary tools to achieve your goals. At our office we specialize in hypnotherapy for weight loss as well as sports performance, smoking cessation, immune diseases and cancer. We are located in Mount Pleasant, SC and provide service to the entire Low Country area, including Charleston, Isle of Palms, and Sullivan’s Island. Call us today to schedule an appointment.